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Diversity Outreach Project

Outreach is critical in educating and engaging your stakeholders. When aligned with diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), outreach is intentional in putting your audiences first. This mindful outreach requires understanding the audience beyond the data. It requires digging deeper, bringing those voices to the table, understanding their priorities and crafting tailored messages that speak to them.


We create robust strategies, tools, and resources that advance representation and retention of underrepresented groups, and enhances our external reputation through partnership with professional organizations and underserved communities.

Past Events 

Diversity Education Symposium


December 1, 2023

The symposium will offer an excellent opportunity for educational, cultural, social,

leadership development and training to all of those in attendance. Highlights of the

conference include state and regionally recognized education speakers, from the Kentucky Department of Education, and Kentucky Council on Post-Secondary Education, School administrators & superintendents from across Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio and Tennessee and college & university education faculty from Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee. The symposium will be held at Dietzs Auditorium is located at 450 Barlett

Drive in Erlanger, Kentucky.


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